
2017 CCCC Reviews

First published in Kairos, 22.2

Overviews, Workshops, SIGS

CCCC 2017, Portland Oregon: Experience and Setting
Reviewed by Natalie Malin

2017 Chair's Address by Linda Adler-Kassner
Reviewed by Christopher Dean

AW.05: Writing Democracy: Austerity, Labor Conditions, and Academic Freedom in Higher Education
Reviewed by Sheri Rysdam

Publishing: How Should Graduate Students Navigate The Process?
Reviewed by Megan Keaton

Global Rhetorics (D.37 and W.02)
Reviewed by James Stone

Conference Sessions

A.03: The Messy and Complex Middle Ground Between Method and Methodology: A Conversation on Research
Reviewed by Matthew Zajic

A.43: Historical Publics, Rhetorical Figures
Reviewed by Christine Photinos

B.04: “The Empire Writes Back”: Towards a Geopolitical Paradigm of Translingualism
Reviewed by Eda Ozyesilpinar

B.24: Learning the Language of the Digital Native: Cultivating Writing Instruction in a Digital Age
Reviewed by Daniel Frank

B.44: My Ol’, Queer, Kentucky Home: Teaching, Theorizing, and Cultivating Queer Archives
Reviewed by Airek Beauchamp

D.15: Teaching with Wikipedia: Cultivating Community, Creating Change
Reviewed by LauraAnne Carroll-Adler

E.28: The Play’s the Thing: Cultivating Voice and Agency through a Gaming Pedagogy
Reviewed by Christopher Stuart

F.38: Taming the Multimodal Beast: Cultivating Sustainable Programmatic Multimodal Curricular Transformation
Reviewed by Kristi Murray Costello

G.51:  Rhetorical Geographies and Cultural Mappings
Reviewed by Sarah Hirsch

H.11: Bodies of Evidence: Cultivating Embodied Intelligence in the Writing Classroom
Reviewed by Ellen O'Connell Whittet

K.48: Motherhood and Rhetorical Choice: Perspectives on Women’s Identification Outside of and Around Motherhood
Reviewed by Sarah E. Polo


Edited by Andrea Beaudin

Copyedited by Kairos staff members: Hilarie Ashton, Tim Amidon, Elizabeth Chamberlain, Lucy Anne Johnson, Brandy Dieterle, Rich Shivener, Rick Wysocki, Ashanka Kumari, Dan Martin, David Maynard, Bret Zawilski, Jen Carter, Rachel Winter, Emily Hensley, Mike Edwards, Ashley Holmes, Matt Vetter, Kristi McDuffie, Kristi Prins, Elkie Burnside, Elizabeth Fleitz, and Cheryl Ball.


Created by cheryl. Last Modification: Monday January 15, 2018 22:30:34 GMT-0000 by cheryl.