
New Media Anthology

As digital resources on the web expand, a robust New Media Anthology is increasingly feasible, and a wiki-based anthology will allow for widespread participation and flexible classroom use. This anthology will continue to employ the trivium as an organizational, storage device: grammatical material will consist of synthesizing histories and primary new media products from 1839 to the present; rhetorical material will consist of social/political action materials and how-to guides; dialectic material will consist of philosophical, theoretical, and historical materials that question and probe, rather than synthesize. Of course on a wiki, in an open anthology, these category definitions, even these categories, might change.

Grammatical material

Grammatical material can be broken down into two categories—historical synthesizing material and primary new media—continuing the grammatical tradition of gathering and collecting texts for both the development of wisdom and teaching of rhetoric and dialectics. Many entries will undoubtedly combine categories.

Historical synthesizing.

Primary New Media

Anthologies within this Anthology

Rhetorical material

Political / social action uses of new media.

How-tos, guides, workshops: making new media.

Dialectical material

(Not precisely the grammar or dialectic we have in mind.)

Created by admin. Last Modification: Saturday July 5, 2014 23:55:10 GMT-0000 by admin.